Eicosanoids – what you need to know

  Eicosanoids (eye-COS-a-noids) are little known molecules that have a prominent impact on your health.  They are derived from omega 3 and omega 6 essential fatty acids (EFA) and have various roles in regulating your blood pressure, blood clotting, body...

Worst nutritional advice ever!

The WORST nutritional advice I ever received is when I asked a personal trainer what I  should eat mid-afternoon to curb my hunger and give me energy till dinner time and was advised to eat a bagel.  She said they are low fat and low calorie.  Tried this and realized...
Carbohydrates for your brain

Mixed nut mixture

Got nuts? I keep a supply of crushed assorted nuts (mostly almonds, walnuts and pecans) in a container with cinnamon added for extra flavor.  It’s great to put 2-3 tsp on top of yogurt, oatmeal or ice cream.  These nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats and...