Understanding Blood Sugars NZ

Thirty40Thirty meals provide satiety (no hunger), mental focus, and physical energy without obsessively counting calories or fat grams. The key is balancing blood sugar levels.

All calories are not the same

The difference is how protein, fats, and carbs affect your “blood sugars”:
• Fats do not increase blood sugars
• Proteins do increase only slightly
• Low-density carbs (most fruits & vegetables – non-starchy) do increase blood sugars
• High-density carbs (bread, rice, white potato, pasta, cereal, corn, etc.,) rapidly increase blood sugar and insulin levels

Note: elevated insulin is your worst hormonal nightmare. This will fuel cellular inflammation and increase your risk for virtually all chronic diseases: cancer, diabetes, arthritis, dementia (Alzheimer’s), heart disease, and more.


Hence, the goal would be to limit the excess sugars which means controlling your consumption of carbohydrates, especially the high-density carbs mentioned above.


It is critical to maintaining amino acid levels by consuming enough protein in the diet to support:
• Muscle maintenance
• Immune function
• Hormone synthesis
• Red blood cell formation
• Tissue repair
Similar to insulin, glucagon is a protein hormone produced in the pancreas